Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First second day of Pre-school

You know you are a novice to blogging when it's only been a few days and you forgot your user name and password altogether. But, with a little help I was successful in remembering one which led to remembering the other and here we are again. Aren't we all glad. Seeing how I have had no responses to anything else, it looks like it's just me and my own thoughts. So here we go me.
Faith the youngest of 6 had her first day at pre-school last week too. But it was over shadowed by the fact that after Hannah Cate's first few days in her class she ends up with strepp throat. NO fun at all for anyone.
Faith on the other hand had a difficult time, and what I thought would be an easy entry and "piece of cake" time for her turned out to be a bit of a baby trauma with much crying and calling for Mommie. Pour number 6, no sympathy here. It's on the schedule (ha,ha) and that's the way it goes kiddo. Not really, but for half of a second you would think so. But isn't she a cutie whether rain or shiny disposition.


Jen Talley said...

Hooray for Faith!!!! So how many days a week is she going?

And I was so sorry to hear about Hannah Cate. Nathan was out three days last week with the same stuff.

Keleigh said...

Hey Jen
We are going on Tue/Thur for Faith. She finally decided she liked it today. I love her teacher. Hannah Cate is all better now. HOw are you all?
Love ya